Now, you might have wished to know more of such sites
similar to Just Retweet to take your blog marketing to the next level of social
marketing. I know of several sites that we can use to improve our Klout score.
I have tested a few of them but did not really focus on them. Just Retweet
itself was sufficient to me and I am glad I focused on it.
Nevertheless, to cater to a large number of blog marketers,
I give below the sites that would certainly help you increase the social media
signals to your blogs, Facebook pages and G+ communities. All these social
media exchange programs are free to join and you get some free credits when you
The other day, one of my blogging trainees wanted to know
whether he can strengthen his social signals from several other social
networking sites that include, Stumbleupon, YouTube, Delicious, Soundcloud,
Pinterest and so on by participating in sites similar to Just Retweet.
Yes, there are sites that have included the above social
networking sites.
SocialClerks Earn credit to follow twitter, retweet , like FB, add circles in G+
etc and redeem the credit to increase your social signal.
Easy Retweet
. You can increase your Twitter followers, tweet and retweet to earn credits
and use them scored points to get your twitter messages shared by many. In
addition, you can also read articles of others and tweet them and earn 100
points to tweet your likes.
You Plus Like
offers more options; I mean more social media sites for us to exchange
followers, ‘likes’ etc. Some of the
additions are ‘Linkedin’ shares, Vimeo views, Diggs, and Reverbnation fans.
Add me Fast It reports a user base of 1.5 million from as
many as 220 countries! That is pretty impressive provided all are equally
active. Addmefast can get you Facebook likes, Facebook subcriptions, Google
circles, Google +1 , Twitter followers, YouTube views , YouTube channel
subscription, YouTube Video likes , Pinterest followers, Soundcloud music
listening, Digg followers, StumbleUpon followers and Website hits . I read that
Instagram photo likes is also added.
Kwk Like
too offers Digg exchange from the usual Twitter, Facebook and Google +.
Love This An attractive site but it seems it lacks
SocialMedia Explode The surprise additions
in this site are MY Space friends and Facebook photo likes.
InetJunkie Looks like a big player in
social exchange industry. Apart from all the top social media sites, you can
find ‘Text Link’ exchange and Banner exchange too.
I just found a big resource for
social profile exchange sites. It has listed a big list of them. Visit
I am sure you are going to get
busy. By next week, your Klout score would have increased considerably.
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