Yahoo! Buzz is a social bookmarking sites. So what new? Yes, there is absolutely nothing exciting about it. Just because it is a service from Yahoo! doesn't make it to be a compusion for Internet marketers to use it.
Ok, at least I don't surely chase it. It is just another social bookmarking site to me. To get your submitted story to the front page requires the same effort to take your Digg story to the home page of
If you search,"How to get more Diggs", you are sure to find many links. If you follow the tips in them for Yahoo Buzz also, you are likely to get it to the home page.
See, I know the existence of excellent stories in but they just didn't have enough votes to make them popular. Here, to get more votes in Yahoo or to get more Diggs, you just need to have a good number of friends in these social bookmarking sites. Just let them know about your submission and they will vote for it. They might not even read it.
You return the favor in the same way. In short, you scratch my back and I will scratch yours. I used to Digg around, Mixx a lot;I just click on the interesting titles and visit the links without remembering to return to the source and cast my appreciative votes.
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