
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How blog carnivals can help your blog to become popular

 A blog carnival is a digital event in cyberspace. You, as a blogger choose a topic related to your blog’s theme, invite blog entries from other bloggers through a platform located at Blog Carnival.
You are the host of the carnival. You go through the submissions and decide which of them to publish in your blog. You don’t publish the full blog entry but only the title of the blog post which is linked to actual blog post.

How it works?       
You as the host of the blog carnival announce the carnival date and topic.
The carnival would act as a promotional event that is intended to drive traffic to participating blogs. Since you are the host of the blog carnival, your blog URL posted in the ‘about’ section of the carnival would be visited by the prospective participants to decide whether your blog is worthy of posting their content.

Bloggers who chose to participate in the carnival, publish a post related to the blog carnival topic (that you have announced )on their own blogs then send the link to that post to the blog carnival host.

Since, they are getting backlink, participating bloggers would naturally promote the carnival on their own blogs thereby driving traffic to the host's (your) blog. This is a prestigious issue for the contributing bloggers and hence, they would go all out to promote the event resulting in a good flow of targeted traffic to your blog.

What is your role?
On the date of the blog carnival, you as the host would publish a post on your blog briefing about the event and give the links to the participants' submitted posts that you have chosen as good. This would certainly drive traffic to the participants' blogs.

Blog Carnival-is it a onetime event or an ongoing event?
The host can make it as an ongoing event announcing the future dates in advance. However, they can be one-time events as well.

Places to Promote a Blog Carnival.
Like any event, your blog carnival needs to reach as many bloggers as possible and there are ways to announce your impending carnival. A seasoned Internet marketer would surely explore all the IM avenues but a first time would feel all at sea after announcing his carnival. He would be very disappointed with the poor response if he has not promoted his blog carnival.

It's not difficult to start a blog carnival as it only takes a few minutes and also it is totally free. However, you need to promote it for it to be successful.
1. Forums
As a serious blogger, you would be a member in various forums dedicated to blogging. Announce your blog carnival there. In fact, there is an exclusive discussion going on in Web Logs forum where there is a folder dedicated to blog carnivals. In addition, it is a place to find carnivals posted by others.
2. Social Networking Sites and Groups
Use your social media connections to announce your blog carnival. Find related Facebook groups and Google + communities to post your carnival.

 3. Design your own image for your blog carnival, link it to your carnival page.
Here is a sample image depicting a Travel Blog Carnival

 When you visit the blog carnival site, you would find the recent carnivals, archive of the past carnivals (18134 carnivals) and search carnivals under various categories. You would know how a carnival looks like.

In fact, I would advise you to browse the site, read the submission guidelines before you either participate in a carnival or start your own carnival.

My archive about Blog Carnivals

The submissions from participants won’t be always relevant. In my experience I could only choose about 25% of the entries. So, be prepared to read a lot.

Overall, it is a learning process to get involved in blog carnivals. The experience is definitely worthy of your time.
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Unknown said...

This is an interesting idea. May have to look into it.

Indian Beauty Zone said...

Nice and useful post :)

Unknown said...

Nice helpful post.

Anonymous said...

great post as always!

Shilpa Gandotra said...

quite informative!

Divya said...

Thats a really nice concpet... never tried before..

Unknown said...

I really don't have any idea about all these, thanks for sharing it :)