
Monday, July 09, 2007

Find out who is linking to you.

Apart from our own effort getting link popularity through link exchanges, there may be others who might have linked to us. These one way backlinks are very valuable.

How do we find out who is linking to us?

Just visit this web site:
Follow the instructions of installing a code on your website or blog.
Then type in your url at the top of their website to get all the linking details as follows:

* Google Page Rank for this page: Google PR
* Yahoo! has found xxxx links to this site.
* MSN Search has found xxxx links to this site.
* has found xxxx blogrolls that contain this link.
* Google Backlink Search:
* Alexa Traffic Details:
* Technorati Search:
* Icerocket Search:
* Bookmarks:

Kindly Bookmark and Share it:

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