Say your thanks later but read this post fully if you blog on environment related issues such as green news, alternative energy, alternative fuels and green transportation.
I pay a regular visit to Blogger Jobs and when I visited it today, I saw a post titled,"Bloggers Wanted for 3 Websites.
The advertiser requires bloggers on the above topics and on gadgets too. You may be asked to post 3 to 5 blogs per week and the pay rate is $5CND per post.
The post should contain 300-350 words. I found myself left out of it because of the topics of interest.
Well, you can apply for it and also may spread the word around to help a fellow blogger.
Environmental Website (Established Site)
o Focusing on the environment, alternative energy and other green news
* Green Car News (New Site)
o Focusing on news around green transportation, alternative fuels etc.
* Gadget Website (New Site)
o Discuss new cool gadgets that can be helpful in daily lives, both at home and on the road
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