
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sell your blog content to Oronjo!

I received an email from a company called Oronjo today offering an opportunity to sell my blog's content, pictures, music to their clients.

The whole concept is absolutely new and also it is very easy-I mean the process is easy.

No need to submit your blog for approval
So no Google PR eligibility
Offer to sell any content
Offer to sell whole or part of blog article
Free to join
WP plugin offered.

Their suggested price per article is very low but you can set your own price.

I browsed through the web site completely and found it difficult to understand initially. But when I started the registration, activation and setting up the offer to sell, everything came to light.

I still have some doubts o be clarified and asked them my questions and awaiting their answer.

Try it and spread the word please.
Kindly Bookmark and Share it:


Anonymous said...

yeah the process seems very easy...i'm whiling to sell my blog contents and this Oronjo company sounds really friendly to me. Hey please post more informations on the disadvantage part.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to check it out and get back to you...I'll let you know what I think.