
Monday, October 06, 2008

How to become a business blogger?

A business blogger earns from his blog and the earnings may touch 5 figure but it takes at least a year or two. Still, it is worth a wait-isn't it?

But what Angela Booth says that you could earn 6 figure income as a business blogger if you read her e-book titled "Blogging for dollars". Well, I am skeptic about the figure. If that is feasible, I would quit everything now itself-my cooking, my higher studies, shares trading-everything for that magic 6 figure.

Angela is not elaborate on the content of her blogging guide and she offers no refunds. As the goods delivered are non-tangible, Angela cannot offer refunds and requests the readers to ask questions before buying. I consider it as fair.

Of course, along with your purchase, there are a few bonus thrown in.

I read the testimonials in her site and they all sound genuine. No affiliate sales program as of now. (I wonder why not?)

Please visit Make Money by Blogging to learn more.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow,this is very enlightening and I found it great for people who want to kick their career off in blogging, it is indeed very useful for them.

Nice sharing !