
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I can be appointed.

If only the manufacturer of Viraguard Antimicrobial Hand Wipes tracks down their sales, I am bound to be appointed by them as their brand ambassador. Apart from the Viraguard Disinfectant Wipes, I don’t use any other skin care products.
I have this questionable belief; if my hands are clean, then my entire body is clean. And the sense of feeling clean is the ultimate confidence giver. I know not all people realize this basic health ingredient but if only they try and keep them clean not with all those other kinds of skin care products like moisturizer, fairness cream, anti-wrinkle lotions etc but clean their hands with a antibacterial napkin, they are not likely to give up that habit.
I have inculcated this habit to all my former colleagues and they spread the valuable tip to their friends. Medical shops in our locality started stocking the product that is supplied by, the leading life enhancing products in the U.S. since 1996.
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Anonymous said...

Wow they should give you some kind of special discount for being such an avid fan of their product. ;-)

Anonymous said...

That is true, having dirty hands can make a person feel dirty all around.