
Monday, May 04, 2009

Get free blog content and backlinks.

This is new, fresh idea to get unique content for your blog plus some valuable links.

I have no intention of hurting your pride but we all as bloggers get blog post idea blackouts once n a way-right? Or sometimes, these black outs happen when we our mind is cramped with content, promotion and monetization ideas. But the result is content idea freeze.

And we too need holiday from blogging. But our loyal readers may not realize out need. They are always hungry for new content from you. At such times, we would be relieved if we can get guest posts for our blog.

Now, think the other way around. You have time; you are hungry to write for others just to get backlinks. But how can you go about getting bloggers to accept you?

All these things are possible with BloggerLinkUp.

Here is how it works:

When you join the Blogger Link Up for free, you are told that you will get emails once or twice a day, five days a week.

These emails will inform you about:

* Bloggers looking for expert sources,

* Bloggers who have posted requests for guest posts

* Bloggers offering guest posts

* Press releases representatives, company marketing people that are seeking reviews of products.

So, you know now what to do when you receive the daily email!

Also, you too can submit a request, and it will be forwarded to the list.

Aren't you excited about the prospects? Aren't you impatient to tell your friends about this free service?

Please, do that immediately; I mean sharing this blog post with your friends. The more people we have participating, the better the results will be for all of us.

Blogger Link Up is promoted by Cathy Stucker.

Also read New Blogging Jobs
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