
Friday, July 23, 2010

Have you prepared your Cyber Monday shopping list?

“Look, I am not interested in knowing how the name Cyber Monday came into being and who coined it; I am only interested in saving big, big money by shopping on Cyber Monday”, I told my sister-in-law, whom, I will be visiting soon in Virginia.

I hope to be in time for the Thanksgiving Day and Cyber Monday is the first Monday after Black Friday.

I envy the Americans for the online and offline shopping opportunities available to them for huge discounts. There are absolutely no limitations of what are offered on sale. This is the uniqueness of the American economy.

In Madras too, there are opportunities for discount purchase on a couple of occasions but all we can purchase is cheap clothes and rejected and refurbished gadgets.

I have been saving for the last two years for my first Cyber Monday shopping. Imagine the length of my shopping list.
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