
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Where brides shop.

I have no sharp eyes for bridal dresses but even to me, Bari Jay bridesmaid dresses meant sheer beauty and elegance. They are so rich looking. I have quite a few Christian friends and I attended most of their weddings.

However, it was all so long ago when wedding gowns and bridesmaid dresses were pretty ordinary echoing the vogue left by the British.

I think there is a still a tinge of old fashioned wedding dresses. Some fashion designers are passionately bent on bringing about a change. TJ Formal is well known even in India as a trendsetter in prom and wedding apparel.

The bridesmaid in India is generally unmarried woman and they are called ‘chief bridesmaid. They eagerly choose their bridal party dress that would attract more glances than the bride’s wedding gown.

I admire a particular community here for their bold and rather rebellious approach to wearing wedding gowns. Once, I saw a photograph of a dark complexioned woman wearing a romantic pink wedding dress.

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