
Friday, April 05, 2013

Facebook Groups For Bloggers.

Bloggers meet virtually on hundreds of places in cyber space. I come to know other bloggers from all over the world who share similar topic on bloggers communities, exclusive forums for bloggers, social networking sites and so on.

Facebook group is a wonderful place to join other thousands of bloggers. I keep learning the nuances of blogging from these virtual meeting places only.

I recently stumbled on to a blog post by Mr.Brian of Blog Engage. I was once active in Blog Engage forum before it went premium. It is closed now.

Brian shared a good list of Facebook groups for bloggers. I joined one or two groups in that list but heard no further word. I intend to leisurely explore other groups. Must be fun filled experience even if joining requests are ignored.

Here is that blog post of Brian.
Top Facebook Groups For Bloggers | Blog Engage
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