
Friday, September 21, 2007

Rising temperature means…

Rising temperature means thinning wallet due to summer vacation in a hill station or buying a new fridge because our neighbor has just bought one Frigidaire Refrigerator or upgrading our home air conditioner to tackle the increased temperature.

Somehow we feel the temperature is increasing every year. By the time the temperature subsides, our wallet lay inert fully deflated and our credit card statement shows an alarming end figure.

But I must confess that our grandfather refrigerator is really letting out some disturbing sound. We have not been paying the required attention to its complaints.

Without telling my neighbor, but with the help of Krillion’s Localization Engine, we located a dealer for Frigidaire Refrigerators and bought one that is slightly bigger than my neighbor’s.

I sometimes wondered whether my neighbor really feels strongly about a product or just boasting like a snob.

However, I don’t intend to disclose my doubt to my husband because how else can I match my neighbor’s pride?

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