
Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Red clay based acne creams.

There is no need to be confused over the choice of acne relief products. Most of them work. I know it from my experience. Still, if you don’t take my word, click here to know which acne treatment is currently rated as number one?

Nevertheless, remember, the ranking might change. What is rated at the top today might go down tomorrow. However, that doesn’t mean that it won’t work anymore. Every acne cure cream or pill will bring about the declared results. The only difference between various acne treatments is the price and the time it takes to get rid of the pimples as well as the blemish it leave behind on your skin.

I could give one very useful tip when selecting acne creams. See if they contain red clay as one of the ingredients. I know it takes the full credit to cure acne. Red Clay is a potent ingredient for acne removal.

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1 comment:

Bob Ocbena said...

Nice suggestion. I have read that red clay is effective for detoxifying and cleaning. It was also mentioned there to add some essential oils to make it more special. I think red clay can be found in most mineral skin care than went through mineral cosmetology.