
Sunday, October 24, 2010

One pound a day!

Have you noticed the slogan “Lose one pound a day” that is being flashed in the anti obesity circle? Weight loss pills review sites are quick to grab the ads, put them on their website with a slight twist hat says, “Lose 30 ponds in 30 days” and inviting feedback from users of this miracle diet pill.

Shall we consider as one addition that is more valid is made to the short list of effective diet pills? I think there is a general euphoria in the obese circle that finally, a true weight loss product has arrived in ‘Clinicallix’ without any bad side effects.

I only wish the good results were sustained for years to come. The fat loss industry really needs something truly valuable to serve the needs of over-weight people.

Have we all not seen many weight loss pills fade way into oblivion for reasons that include harmful side effects and ineffectiveness?

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1 comment:

Kevin said...

Interesting post