
Monday, July 01, 2013

Increase Traffic to Your Blog with Twitter Hashtags

There is a certain segment of Internet marketers who still believe Twitter brings the maximum visitors to their blogs in spite of the fact that Google + has overtaken Twitter by twice the number of users already.

Even though Twitter updates contain only 140 characters, it is still a mind boggling task to retrieve information from literally millions of tweets posted per hour. Therefore, the hashtag (#) was invented which, when attached to any word on your tweets, would make the retrieval of information quick.
For example, if you have a website that sells video tutorials on how to use Facebook or you sell an ebook about how to use linkedin, you just add the # key before the exact keyword on your tweets.

Sample Tweet:
Learn how to use Linkedin by reading the best #linkedintutorial. Going cheap. Plenty of bonuses included. Visit
 Note: There is no space in linkedintutorial. Don’t ask why. This is the sintex for using hashtag.

May be some more examples given below would make you understand how hashtag is used in Twitter.

Are you getting the idea?

Try to be as innovative as possible while using hashtags. It would be better if you do the actual twitter search for the same keywords you intend to use in your Tweets before you actually implement in your tweets using #.

For example, before you actually compose your tweet that promotes your Linkedin tutorial, you copy the following keyword preceded by the hashtag and paste in Twitter search box and scan the results.

This would give you an idea about how to compose your tweet using hashtag, who are promoting the same products, how often they have tweeted it and so on.
 I have compiled some useful links to websites where you can search for Twitter hashtags and identify the matching ones to include in your tweets. This would bring more people to see your tweets, share them, and follow the links in them to read your blog posts. is one of the most widely used sites to find Twitter hashtags. As I mentioned earlier, type a keyword or keyword phrase without spaces between words into the search box and ‘Enter’. You'll be amazed at the clarity of the information that resulted. For example, a graph shows the popularity of your selected hashtag by day of the week and time of day as well as a list of the most recent tweets that used the hashtag. You can also see a list of related hashtags as well as a list of prolific users of your chosen hashtag.

Trendsmap tracks real time trends posted on Twitter. If I were you, if there is a popular hashtag related to my blog topic that is currently trending, I too would use in my tweet after a bit of fine tuning to top the search results.
3. What the Trend is one of my favorite Twitter trending sites because in addition to reporting hot tweets, you can see what a hot topic is in Twitter in your country.

See the image below.

Here is where it gets interesting. Justclick on the ‘Reports’ tab on the navigation bar to see a list of the most popular Twitter hashtags over the previous 30 days. 

4. Twazzup
Twazzup is also a real-time hashtag search tool. If you just enter a hashtag into the search box on the Twazzup home page, and you'll get a list of current tweets that use the hashtag as well as content from the web using the hashtag. 

In addition, you will see thumbnail images of those tweeters who are influencing that particular hashtag's popularity. Cool!
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