
Saturday, May 31, 2008

For fat burners to work…

We are a family of careful eaters by culture. There is not a single obese person in our family. Of course you always give room for exceptions.

So the exception in our family is a middle aged lady. She is a close relative of my husband. I did not believe my husband when he told me that this fat lady was simply doll like when she was a kid.

What went wrong? At what age? My husband, forever reluctant to talk about the past, refused to answer. He is a wise man and always on the lookout for a remedy, a solution to the present problem.

He knew that his relative tried several fat burners but nothing seemed to work on her. Oh, I know what might have gone wrong then. In her over eagerness to shed her fat quickly, she might not have followed the prescribed dosage.

I happen to gain a lot of insight about fat burners in, a web site that reviews fat burners.

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Anonymous said...

You know, sometimes obesity is caused no by the "overdose" of food or lack of physical activity, sometimes it is due to failure of the immune system, may be some problems with hormones. My friend was very thin when at school and then after giving birth to a child something changed in her body and she started gaining weight very fast, she was eating very little and kept getting bigger... it was like this until they find where the problem was and fixed it, and then she started losing weight without any changes in her lifestyle...

Anonymous said...

Polina is absolutely right! My own mother was always very thin until her thyroid starting giving her problems. She did catch it before she became obese, but the weight gain was quick and she was just unable to lose it again.

Anonymous said...

The most important thing is eating right and staying active!! An hour a day of exercise will do that trick in a few months you will see results.

Anonymous said...

Oh.........!That is very essential for now a days. about 80%of the people are getting fatter for working by sitting in the work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for telling us about the web site that reviews fat burners.It will help me. said...

I have started a group in "Ning". It is a place to promote one another's blogs. I am going to review this blog as the first one. =)

I hope you will join my group.

Rangan Badri said...

I have accepted your invitation Mary. Thanks for remembering.